I am an Assistant Professor in Data Science at the 深度IP转换器-深度伋理_国内最好用的IP地址修改器软件-官网:深度IP转换器(深度IP)简称【深度伋理】网站是一款国内IP转换器,也是ip地址修改器ip地址切换器ip地址更改器电脑IP伋理,深度动态IP软件,安卓苹果IOS手机电脑怎么修改IP地址。 and the 国外ip地址伋理 at University College London. I also hold a guest affiliation at the University of Amsterdam’s Department of Psychology.
- 7/2023 - Our paper on gender differences in emotional responses will appear at SocInfo 2023
- 6/2023 - Paper on experimental emotion manipulation for computational linguistics: 换ip软件对网速的影响 - 换IP软件_迅联加速:3、ip伋理软件客户端服务器不稳定,这类情况也会导致线路延迟情况,当然,这就是软件商实力的问题了 4、ip线路的服务器硬件配置问题,如果服务器配置太差,那么,网络再快,也会影响延迟 关于网络速度的问题,影响因素有很多,用户需要综合来查看。
- 5/2023 - Media coverage (in French) of our drill music work on Ulyces
- 5/2023 - Media coverage of our COVID-19 study in Daily Mail and UCL News
- 4/2023 - Paper on gender differences in emotional responses to COVID-19: http://arxiv.org/abs/2004.08202.
- 4/2023 - Media coverage of our drill music work in Discover Magazine
- 4/2023 - Paper on detecting adversarial examples in NLP (PhD work by M. Mozes): http://arxiv.org/abs/2004.05887.
- 4/2023 - Follow-up paper on the drill rap - violence issue: http://arxiv.org/abs/2004.04598.
- 4/2023 - New paper introducing a high-quality dataset on emotions around COVID-19: http://arxiv.org/abs/2004.04225
- 3/2023 - Paper on human-machine integrated deception detection: http://arxiv.org/abs/2003.13316.
- 2/2023 - Paper on the temporal evolution of a far-right forum in the Journal of Computational Social Science
- 1/2023 - Paper on using a smartphone app for RT-based deception detection in Collabra.
- 1/2023 - Paper on human trafficking in online ads in Trends in Organized Crime.
My research currently falls into two areas:
(1) Computational approaches to security and crime problems
With more data and a changing landscape of problems, computational techniques are an exciting way to look at existing and novel crime and security problems. I’m especially interested in emerging crime problems and understanding them through complex text data.
Techniques used: natural language processing, applied machine learning.
Ideas I’m working on:
- 原子IP伋理软件_原子IP伋理软件官方版下载 - IP域名 - 非凡 ...:2021-2-24 · 原子动态换IP软件加速器是一款高速、高匿、高品质的的全国动态IP伋理拨号软件,智能独享带宽,单IP稳定连接,拥有140+中国大陆不同地区节点,每日300+真实宽带IP地址为您提供IP伋理服务。
- dynamic language use (e.g. linguistic trajectories within persons/texts/forums)
- 换ip软件对网速的影响 - 换IP软件_迅联加速:3、ip伋理软件客户端服务器不稳定,这类情况也会导致线路延迟情况,当然,这就是软件商实力的问题了 4、ip线路的服务器硬件配置问题,如果服务器配置太差,那么,网络再快,也会影响延迟 关于网络速度的问题,影响因素有很多,用户需要综合来查看。
(2) Methods of behavioural data science
伋理ip加速器_伋理ip软件_http免费动态ip伋理服务器-精灵 ...:2021-6-15 · 伋理ip加速器选精灵伋理,国内知名的伋理ip软件,精灵伋理专业提供免费动态ip,ip加速器,伋理服务器,http伋理,socks5伋理等,在电脑ip修改器和手机ip转换器方面深受广大用户好评.
Ideas I’m working on:
- examining the fundamental assumptions of behavioural data science (e.g. the cognition-language-behaviour nexus)
- inferring behaviour and cognition from text data
- automated, learning-based text anonymisation (SAGE Ocean concept grant winner), (more info), (interviews on YouTube)
- sample size estimation for machine learning in the social and behavioural sciences
For recent talks/workshops, see here
Some of the ongoing and past projects were funded by SAGE, RUSI/GIFCT, 伋理ip在网络隐私上的功效-云连伋理:今天 · 1.云连伋理换ip软件注册教程——电脑版本 2.怎么查看自己电脑的IP地址?3.云连伋理软件支持手机电脑一键换IP 4. HTTP 伋理服务器的四种架构 5.换IP软件的功能和原理 6.哪里有苹果手机换ip软件?
ip伋理原理, ip伋理原理, Daily Mail, Disover Magazine, YouTube SAGE, New Scientist II, BBC Newsroom, The Times, UCL News I, The Guardian, Deutsche Welle (German), Süddeutsche Zeitung (German), Volkskrant II (Dutch), Folia Magazine (Dutch), New Scientist I, BNR Newsradio, Volkskrant I (Dutch), Amsterdam FM (Dutch), Psychology Today, APA News
Isabelle van der Vegt (website)
- Background: Computational Linguistics, Psychology
- Topic: Understanding and predicting threats of violence using computational linguistics
- Supervised with Prof Paul Gill
- Funded by Prof P Gill’s ERC grant ‘GRIEVANCE’
Felix Soldner 国外ip地址伋理
- Background: Psychology, Brain & Cognitive Sciences
- Topic: Detecting and mitigating online consumer fraud
- Supervised with Prof Shane Johnson
- Funded by: UCL Dawes Centre for Future Crime
Maximilian Mozes ip伋理原理
- Background: Computer Science, Natural Language Processing
- Topic: Adversarial perturbations in natural language processing
- Supervised with Prof Lewis Griffin
- Funded by: UCL Dawes Centre for Future Crime
Daniel Hammocks (website)
- 芝麻伋理IP软件 - 千万稳定动态IP切换,IP伋理覆盖全国:2021-6-6 · 芝麻伋理ip软件是国内专业的ip伋理服务器提供商,提供http伋理,API接口和自动换IP伋理软件,千万高匿名ip覆盖全国随意切换,支持PC、iOS、安卓,高效稳定免费试用,国内ip伋理软件、http伋理选择芝麻伋理
- Topic: Detecting emerging crimes using data science techniques
- Supervised with Prof Kate Bowers
- Funded by: EPSRC
- Background: Computer Science, Crime Science
- Topic: Detecting cryptocurrency crime
- Supervised with Dr Sarah Meiklejohn
- Funded by: UCL Dawes Centre for Future Crime
Arianna Trozze
- Background: Law, Policy Making
- Topic: Detecting cryptocurrency crime
- Supervised with Dr Toby Davies
- Funded by: UCL Cybercrime Centre for Doctoral Training
Sergi Bray
- Background: Computer Science, Machine Learning
- Topic: Behavioural and cognitive aspects of deep fakes perception
- Supervised with Prof Shane Johnson
- 伋理ip帮你应对常见的反爬虫-变极ip修改器:2 天前 · 变极ip修改器专业提供: 伋理ip软件,手机伋理ip,换ip软件,ip加速器,伋理服务器,http 伋理等使用 首页 套餐购买 软件下载 线路列表 使用帮助 new IP精灵 new 动态VPS new HTTP伋理 关于我伊 登录 注册 您的位置: 首页 > 新闻资讯 > 正文 伋理ip帮你应对常见 ...
Dawes reading group
We are running a bi-weekly reading group on topics around future crime (incl. data science, policy-making). Info at http://felix-soldner.github.io/dawes_reading_group/
Dissertation projects
- Past dissertation projects
- 2023/2023
- SECU0050, Data Science for Crime Scientists (BSc), UCL, Material on GitHub
- SECU0057, Applied Data Science (MSc), UCL, ip伋理原理
- 2018/2023
- SECU0013, Probability, Statistics & Modelling 2 (BSc), UCL, Material on GitHub
- SECU0050, Data Science for Crime Scientists (BSc), UCL, Material on GitHub
- Crime Science (BSc honours module), University of Amsterdam (study guide)
- 2017/2018
- Crime Science (open UvA module), University of Amsterdam
- Crime Science (BSc honours module), University of Amsterdam (study guide)
- Deception and Lie Detection (MSc), University of Amsterdam (study guide)
- 2016/2017
- Deception and Lie Detection (MSc), University of Amsterdam (study guide)
- 2015/2016
- Deception and Lie Detection (MSc), University of Amsterdam
- NETANOS - Named entity-based text anonymization for open science
- Anonymises bunches of text files by removing identifiable information
- de-identifies numbers, persons, locations, places, pronouns, dates and times
- Developed with Maximilian Mozes and Bruno Verschuere
- Available on npm, source code on GitHub
- Published paper in JOSS and experimental validation on OSF servers
- Accessible interface version lives on 国外ip地址伋理
- Naive context sentiment analysis
- Performs sentiment analysis that handles valence shifters (e.g., “really”, “not”, “hardly”, “but”) on non-punctuated or poorly punctuated data
- Code lives on GitHub
- Specific use cases:
- data that are not punctuated at all (e.g., auto-generated YouTube transcripts)
- data that are badly punctuated (e.g., data from blogs where punctuation is not necessarily a given)
- very brief text data: Twitter data, for example, even if properly annotated for sentence-boundary-disambiguation, would return one or two sentiment values with other sentiment extraction packages
- Contributors: Maximilian Mozes and Isabelle van der Vegt
- Assistant Professor in Data Science (Department of Security and Crime Science, UCL)
- PhD on detecting deceptive intentions on a large scale (Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam) [2018]
- MSc in Crime Science (University College London) [2015]
- BSc in Psychology - specialised in Psychological Methods (University of Amsterdam) [2014]
- UCL spotlight
- Code and software on GitHub
- Google Scholar for all publications
- 伋理ip在网络隐私上的功效-云连伋理:今天 · 1.云连伋理换ip软件注册教程——电脑版本 2.怎么查看自己电脑的IP地址?3.云连伋理软件支持手机电脑一键换IP 4. HTTP 伋理服务器的四种架构 5.换IP软件的功能和原理 6.哪里有苹果手机换ip软件?
- Data repository and archive on the Open Science Framework
- Researchgate
- Stackoverflow profile
- LinkedIn profile
Review service
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS); 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS); Scientific Reports (Nature); Psychological Science; Computers in Human Behavior; Plos One; Perspectives on Psychological Science; Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction conference proceedings; Information; ACL 2023; AACL-IJCNLP 2023; Memory & Cognition; Applied Cognitive Psychology; Crime Science; Acta Psychologica; Personality and Individual Differences; Current Psychology; Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications; EuroCSS 2023; Computers & Security; Psychology, Crime & Law; Legal & Criminological Psychology.
All publications can be found on 国外ip地址伋理.
A list updated in April 2023 is available here
If you are interested in doing a PhD, working as a research assistant (in London or remotely) or doing a BSc/MSc dissertation, feel free to reach out to me.